Quino, "Potentes, prepotentes, impotentes", Buenos Aires, 1989

Quino, "Potentes, prepotentes, impotentes", Buenos Aires, 1989

Mar 28, 2011


Dear all,

next week (on Wednesday and Thursday) I will analyze with you the possible interactions between Law and Architecture, focusing on the peculiar role of monuments in Rome after the unification of Italy. My aim is to discuss the following topics:

1) The influence of legal-political ideology on architecture.

2) The influence of architecture on the common perception of law and justice.

On Friday Raffaele Furno will conclude this week with a more general analysis of the relationship between individual and space and between space and cultural and social identity. The topic of the possible links between law and space will thus be approached from two very different standpoints, considering also our very different backgrounds.

Class schedule:



1) Cavour monument in the framework of the political topography of “Roma Capitale”

2) The Italian Court of Cassation: the fulfillment of Zanardelli’s idea of justice


3) The changing space of Rome / Constructing identity

Raffaele Furno’s CV:

Raffaele Furno holds a PhD in Performance Studies from Northwestern University and a B.A. in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley.

His first book "Intra-cultural Theater: Performing the Life of Black Migrants to Italy" was published in 2010 and analyzes the intersection between theater-making and the changing racial landscape in Italy since the late 1970s.

He has also published several articles on contemporary Italian theater and performance.

He is currently prof. of Performance Theory at Arcadia University, and Creative Writing at Università Gregorio VII.

Furno is also a theater director, who has extensively worked in the USA and Italy, founder of the experimental theater company Imprevisti e Probabilità, and artistic director of the Festival Deviazioni Recitative.


Stefania Gialdronis’s CV

Stefania Gialdroni is a research fellow (“assegnista di ricerca”) at the University of Roma Tre Law Faculty, the chair of Medieval and Modern Legal History. She obtained her PhD in 2009 “en co-tutelle” between the University of Milano-Bicocca and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - Paris (EHESS). In 2006 she entered the Marie Curie Program “European Doctorate in history, sociology, anthropology and philosophy of legal cultures in Europe”. In the framework of the European Doctorate she spent one year at the London School of Economics (LSE), and two years at the EHESS in Paris. She received several scholarships from the Max-Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main, where she attended the International Max-Planck Research School for Comparative Legal History (2005-2006). In 2003 she graduated from the University of Rome Tre, Law Faculty. She has been assisting Prof. Emanuele Conte in the organization of the Law and the Humanities courses at the RomaTre Law Faculty since 2008. The subject of her PhD thesis is the legal structure of the English East India Company during the 17th century.

Mar 18, 2011


Dear all,
next week (first lesson on Wednesday, the 23rd of March, at 2:00 pm) Pierre Thévenin (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) will explore some possible connections between Law and Philosophy, bringing together different authors, points of view, historical periods. You can find below some information about our guest and about his lectures.

Enjoy the readings and see you on Wednesday!

Brief Outline:

Law and Philosophy

(On the philosophical relevance of judicial practices)

A traditional way of clearing up the relationship between Law and Philosophy is to ask how, if at all, philosophical conceptions have impacted on jurisprudence. But is it possible to phrase the question the other way round? This lecture will try and show that the philosophical notion of „truth“ is indebted to the history of judicial practices. Aimed at exploring how legal cultures might have diffused right out of common legal business, it will proceed in two steps. First, we will consider how English philosophers of the XVIIth century, in order to lay down the foundation for modern natural science, have relied on a massive reference to the medieval (and Italian) inquisitio trial. Second, we will follow French thinker Michel Foucault in wondering if and how this dependency still affects our way of relating, as subjects, to both truth and power.

Suggested Readings:

1) Michel Foucault, Truth and Juridical Forms, in Power: Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, vol. 3, pp. 1-16, 32-52. This text reproduces the first (pp. 1-16) and third (pp. 32-52) parts of a series of four lectures Michel Foucault gave in Rio de Janeiro in 1973.

2) Barbara Shapiro, The Concept "Fact": Legal Origins and Cultural Diffusion, in "Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies", 26.1 (1994), pp. 1-25.

Pierre Thévenin's CV:

Pierre Thévenin (b. 1979) is a PhD student at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. He graduated in Philosophy at the Sorbonne in 2005, with a major in German Idealism and Ancient Greek Philosophy. Passed to the EHESS, he turned to legal studies as a student of great romanist Yan Thomas (d. 2008). French philosopher Bruno Karsenti (EHESS) and Legal historian Emanuele Conte (Roma III) are currently tutoring his dissertation on « The Legal Notion of Fact. Medieval Casuistries and the Dogmatics of Possession ». A former Marie Curie Fellow, he stayed at the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane in Florence, the London School of Economics and the Max-Planck Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte.


Dear students,
prof. Conte wants you to try to answer the following questions. Just start commenting, it isn't difficoult!

1) Do you need literature to make legal points? This is one of the critiques to the "second strand" of the Law and Literature movement listed by David Skeel. Can you try to answer to this question?
2) Try to made al list of Italian literature that you think is useful for being a good lawyer in Italy.

Mar 17, 2011

TURBA MENTIS at Teatro Vascello

Dear all,
I want to bring to your attention the play "Turba Mentis", which will be performed at Teatro Vascello until Sunday the 20th March 2011. One of our students, who is acting in the play, has found a lot of links between this play and our L&H course, in particular after prof. Skeel's lesson about the 3 strands of Law and Literature. That's why we will make an exception and give information about the play on this blog in Italian. It could be a good occasion to go to the theatre, couldn't it?

La compagnia IoMai -finalista a Marte Live teatro 2010 e vincitrice del premio per la nuova drammaturgia del teatro Vascello- in coproduzione con Dynamis Teatro affrontano un tema forte e quanto mai attuale, quello della pedofilia e dell'incesto, ma con tono poetico.

Compagnia IoMai e Dymanis Teatro



mise en jeu

regia e drammaturgia: Andrea De Magistris

con: Alessandro Amato, Ilaria Bevere , Concetto Calafiore , Luca Di Giovanni , Bianca Friscelli , Fillippo Lilli, Francesco Turbanti

testo: Luca Di Giovanni liberamente ispirato agli scritti di Antonio Scurati

aiuto regia: Giovanna Vicari

organizzatore e direttore di scena: Alessandro Amato

luci: Paride Donatelli

dècor: Roberta Gentili

fotografia: Luca Dammicco

ufficio stampa: Artinconnessione


Siamo arrivati a sperare, più che temere che su di noi si posi l'occhio onnisciente di una telecamera, come un tempo speravamo nella custodia dell'occhio di Dio.

Ma gli unici ricordi che avrete di questa notte, saranno quello che i vostri occhi riprenderanno.

Prima dell'arrivo dell'incubo, è consigliato un preventivo periodo di torpore

che risvegli la carica di passione cieca, d'ira e di orrore necessaria a condannare.

Per iniziare il gioco abbiamo bisogno di qualcuno da male-dire.

Scegliere qualcuno da mandare in rovina.


La collaborazione tra la compagnia IoMai e il regista Andrea De Magistris, fondatore di Dynamis Teatro, si consolida.

Confermando l'interesse per un teatro di ricerca, fisico, d'immagini, la coproduzione indipendente, presenta

Turba Mentis

In questo nuovo studio, protagonista della mise en jeu è un fatto di cronaca.

Il circo mediatico che lo accompagna e la perversa morbosa voglia d'apparire, da protagonisti o da spettatori.

In scena la caccia al mostro, in un presente continuo ma non definito, nostro.

Al centro una famiglia dove il padre viene accusato di pedofilia.

Il rapporto tra i suoi figli, il gioco e la rincorsa avventata nel prendersi la scena, con l'ebbrezza d'una sbornia, fino ad esser schiacciati dal loro stesso racconto.'

dal 10 al 20 marzo 2011dal martedì al sabato ore 21.30 - domenica ore 17.30

Teatro Vascello - Via G. Carini, 78 (Zona: Monteverde)

Biglietto unico : 10 €

Info e prenotazioni: 06 5881021

Stampa: 3382006735






Mar 13, 2011


Dear students,

next week prof. David Skeel, from the Universty of Pennsylvania Law School, will introduce us to the Law and Literature movement in the USA. As you know, Wednesday's class will take place at 11:45 (room 8), while there will be no class on Thursday (17th March). On Friday, as usual, the class will start at 10:00 (room 4).

Brief Outline:

In this class, we will briefly explore the history of law and literature scholarship in the United States, and consider the prospects of this movement for the future. We will focus in particular on three recent strands of law and literature scholarship, which are often referred to as 1) law as language (associated with James Boyd White); 2) literature as empathy (associated with Robin West and Martha Nussbaum) and 3) law and narrative (associated with Patricia Williams).

Suggested readings:
- D.A. Skeel, Lawrence Joseph and Law and Literature, in "University of Cincinnati Law Review", 77.3 (2009), pp. 921-939.

Prof. David Skeel's CV:
David A. Skeel is currently the S. Samuel Arsht Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School (2004-), after having been Associate Professor of Law at the Temple University School of Law (1993- 1998) and Professor of Law at University of Pennsylvania Law School (1999- 2003) .
He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina (B.A. 1983) and the University of Virginia (J.D. 1987). His poems have appeared in Boulevard, Kansas Quarterly and elsewhere. He has written on law and literature or related issues for Columbia Law Review, Michigan Law Review, Legal Affairs, Wallace Stevens Journal, Philadelphia Inquirer, and other publications; and he served as an advisory editor of Boulevard in the 1990s.
He also is the author of two books:
- Icarus in the Boardroom: The Fundamental Flaws in Corporate America and Where They Came From (Oxford U. Press, 2005)
- Debt’s Dominion: A History of Bankruptcy Law in America (Princeton University Press, 2001) .
In 1999 & 2002 he received the Harvey Levin Award for Excellence in Teaching and in 2004 the Lindback Award (university-wide “Great Teacher” award).

For a complete overview on Prof. Skeel’s CV and his extensive list of publications see:


Mar 10, 2011

Wednesday, 16th March: lesson at 11:45!

Dear students,
on Wednesday the 16th of March prof. Skeel's first lesson will take place at 11:45-13:30 (room 8). Thursday the 17th, as you probably know, there will be no lesson because of the celebration of the unification of Italy. Prof. Skeel will then teach his last lesson on Friday at 10:00, as usual.
I take the chance to tell you that your papers were in the avarage very good: keep on working like this!

Mar 9, 2011


Dear students,
thre will be no class tomorrow because I need time to correct your papers. I will send you the evaluation tomorrow via email and we will discuss your answers on Friday (10:00).
In general I am very happy about your papers, so don't worry and keep on working!

Mar 1, 2011

Dear students,

many of you made it to pass the English test: I am very courious to meet you all on Friday! The class will start at 10:00, room 4 (but check the screen on Friday morning!).