Quino, "Potentes, prepotentes, impotentes", Buenos Aires, 1989

Quino, "Potentes, prepotentes, impotentes", Buenos Aires, 1989

Feb 18, 2011

Again on the B1 Level Test

Dear students,
in the previous post I gave a wrong information (now also the previous post is correct!). You can take part to the 2011 Law and the Humanities course even if you haven't already taken the B1 level English test but you MUST take the B1 BEFORE the Law and the Humanities final exam in June 2011. I hope now everything is clear!


  1. Good afternoon!today i wasn't at the university because i am sick so i couldn't make some questions about the B1 level of english. I've got the B1 level for french language(actually i've got the "attestation" issued by french embassy and recognized by the university) but when i passed to 1+4 on 2006, it wasn't necessary the B1 level of any language, it was considered only the "idoneita giuridica". So, now, what have i to do???

  2. Dear Maria Cristina,
    first of all, remember always to sign your comments with your surname and name. Are you Maria Cristina Priore? If so, you are admitted to the course but before taking the Law and the Humanities exam (which gives you 4 credits for "lingua giuridica") you need to pass the B1 in English. It is now compulsory for all the law courses in English. You can take the B1 in June, e.g., and then the Law and the Humanities exam in July. See you soon

  3. Yes,I am!Sorry!
    Maria Cristina Priore
