Quino, "Potentes, prepotentes, impotentes", Buenos Aires, 1989

Quino, "Potentes, prepotentes, impotentes", Buenos Aires, 1989

Apr 25, 2011

Court of Cassation: Here we are!

Dear all,
I hope you are enjoying this last day of the Easter Holydays! This is the final list of the students that are going to visit our Supreme Court. As you know, we’ll meet at 9:45 at the entrance in Piazza dei Tribunali. See you there!

1. Antonelli Roberta

2. Avvisati Maria Lisa

3. Baliva Giulia

4. Corsetti Claudio

5. D’Alessio Paolo

6. De Prosperis Sara

7. Di Florio Cristina

8. Di Giacomantonio Moira

9. Di Lorenzi Giordano

10. Di Silvestro Monica

11. Ercoli Francesco

12. Esti Dante

13. Favilli Valentina

14. Gialdroni Stefania

15. Gulli Federica

16. Ingrosso Francesca

17. Lopez Corallina

18. Margarita Enrica

19. Morigi Silvia

20. Natalini Francesca

21. Papi Luigi

22. Picone Lisa

23. Pucci Francesca

24. Roberto Michela

25. Roggenkamper Daniel

26. Tammert Christian

27. Tosto Luca

28. Vuerich Giordana


  1. i wanted to inform you that i won't be able to attend the visit to Court of Cassation, because of a high fever that totally ruined my Easter. i am so sorry to miss the visit, and i hope not to cause any inconviencences, but I can't really leave my bed.
    Corallina Lopez

  2. i really appreciated the opportunity to visit the court of cassation, especially the aula magna symolism. it was an amazing experience because i had the oppurtunity to see what we've been studying with my own eyes.
    best regards
    Dante Esti

  3. hi
    i'd like too much the visit to the court of cassation , it's a rare oppurtunity visit it!!
    the thing that i'd like most was the aula maxima , a very strange atmosphere there was in it, also the interpretation of the guide about the angel behind justice has hit me!!! the human justice based on the divine justice , a sort of guide for her !! however also the frescos were very beautiful!!
    who has made photos during the visit?? can we put them on the blog??

  4. the guided tour of the Palace of Justice was very interesting (I had never visited the inside). we saw the grand staircase, the main hall and the various sculptures and paintings.
    Built between 1889 and 1910, it is the seat of the Court of Cassation in Rome, also known as Palazzaccio and it is among the most important monuments of the first period of the Kingdom, designed by Guglielmo Calderini.
    we observed outside the grandeur of the columns and the effect of chiaroscuro;it is the secular temple of justice,it's the symbol of the state before the church.
    Cristina Di Florio

  5. Hello everyone!
    I also wanted to thank you for the wonderful opportunity! I had been there but I only saw the first floor and see it through the eyes of experts changes the things! the aula maxima is certainly the most beautiful inside to look and I seem to have noticed also that it is the only room painted! as Giordano said the atmosphere of the aula maxima hit! a sort of suggestion as to feel inadequate! that left me amazed is the representation of Lady Justice on the ceiling of the apse ... especially the angel, the olive branch, the lamb ... clear religious symbols in a dedicated place to a secular justice! and as we said, the difficult approach to the messages of some paintings like that of Otho who wears of "romanità" and that of "baccanali"!
    would be a good idea to put photos on the blog ... too bad we didn't took a picture together!
    see you tomorrow!
    Moira Di Giacomantonio
